Summer Teaching Internships

Spend 2, 4, or 6 weeks in a summer internship abroad.  You will be assigned to a school where you will assist an English-speaking teacher, learning first-hand how to teach in bilingual, international, IB, American, or public schools on location.  No language proficiency is required.  Live independently abroad in the community.  All programs include at least 3 -day weekends to allow you time to travel and explore your host country and region.  We place you with a school, help you locate housing, arrange transportation and flights, connect you with local support, and prepare you for your host classroom abroad.  We highly recommend you spend at least 4 weeks abroad and prefer 6 weeks in order to acclimate to your host location and school community fully.  You can earn 4 credits during the Spring B preparation course.  Additional credits are available in the summer if needed.

Summer 2025:

 Summer 2026:

Summer 2027:

  • France
  • Thailand
  • Panama