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Study Abroad with COE

Education abroad is a powerful step towards building your own familiarity with other cultures, improving your own teaching practice, and developing your own global network of colleagues that can support you as a teacher. Explore our study abroad programs at College of Education and visit the campus wide

Research-Based And Education-Driven Curricula

The University of Illinois College of Education has designed programs for education majors that are research-based, education curriculum driven, and train you to translate your education abroad experience into skills you need to teach future generations in our diverse global society.

Enhance Your Global Competency

Illinois Education Abroad programs are designed to enhance your own global competency so that you can teach those skills to your students:

  • Work with Education faculty before departure to learn about your host site
  • Meet local Education faculty at the host university institution
  • Study languages at any level, but also study Education
  • Join classes and activities with Education students from the US and from your host institution
  • Observe classrooms in the host country
  • Spend time in placements with students from your target age group within local PreK-12 classrooms